Sourya Ram Nandamuri
The issue of body image is an everyday problem that is faced by everyone and this varies from person to person based on various factors like their gender and activities. The fitness industry has been growing rapidly in the past few years as health awareness has increased in the general public. There have been more gyms and fitness centers coming up in every corner of the world. People who go to the gym tend to focus more on their bodies than someone who doesn’t. This naturally leads to the gym goers having more body image issues than others because they notice their bodily imperfections more often. However, there is constant debate as to whether going to the gym positively or negatively affects a person’s body image. To find an answer to this question, a study has been done including about 50 members of different age groups and genders answering a series of 12 questions regarding their body image on a scale of 1 to 5. As hypothesized before, the gym goers had a higher concern about their body than the non gym goers. This is due to them constantly seeing changes in their body, comparing themselves with people who have physiques better than theirs and just having the urge to keep improving themselves.