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Income and Television In Relation

Income and Television In Relation: A Correlational Study on Income Affecting the Amount of Television Items Bought By Households

Author : Alexis Philman

Buchholz High School, Gainesville, Florida, USA


Television has been a major aspect of people’s lives and is an ever increasing purchasing industry in the United States. There are many people who have an increasing income and are likely to spend more on television items, increasing the amount of devices in their homes. The author chose to do a non-experimental correlational study in order to show the connection between income and television item amounts in households through the eyes of the high school students in North Central Florida. This was conducted through a survey because of the many television surveys in the world and can be constantly updated and reviewed by other researchers. With this, the researcher shows how television should be its own purchasing category when studying consumer spending as a result of the increasing purchasing power of those households.

_Income and Television In Relation_ A Correlational Study on Income Affecting the Amount o
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